AI Photography Guide: Mastering Camera Angles — Volume 1

Exploring the Art of Perspective Through AI-Assisted Imagery

7 min readFeb 5, 2024


This image was created using an AI image creation program.

This story was written with the assistance of an AI writing program.

I began exploring the creation of photographic images using tools like Midjourney, Dall-E, and other Artificial Intelligence platforms. The initial aspect I focused on was the camera angle. Why? Because it represents one of the fundamental principles in photography, and it alone can facilitate the creation of captivating images.

Now, let’s discuss the rules of this experiment. I composed a list of 20 distinct camera angles, which are detailed below. For each angle, I generated images using a consistent format for the prompts:

prompt: A beautiful young woman in a high grass field, [CAMERA ANGLE] --ar 16:9 --style raw

The term ‘style raw’ instructs the AI to interpret the prompt in a straightforward, literal manner. Additionally, the image format can be altered to switch the orientation from horizontal to vertical.

Finally, before delving into the prompts and images, there’s one more aspect to mention: I have used the thread series by Cognitive Pulse on this subject as a foundational reference for this…




I'm a hobby programmer, experimenting with Svelte, Javascript, Construct 3 and magic tools