Collection of Notable Things Worth Knowing #4

4 min readNov 27, 2022


Image by Samuele

This story was written with the assistance of an AI writing program.

I’m back with a new post from my aperiodic column. Today I’m going to talk about React and Card, monochrome sites, post-its and why it’s important to write if you want to become a good programmer. All rigorously random and without a logical order, as always in my digital notepad.

How to Create Modern Cards using React and Tailwind

Image by Samuele

In this article Francisco Mendes shows us how to create modern cards using React and Tailwind. Cards are a very common element in many websites and Francisco shows us how to create cards that are responsive and are easily customizable.

But the thing I’m really interested in is not the React part but the Tailwind part. And more generally the CSS styles related to the classes used. Why? Because I would like to write an article similar to this but using Svelte. In the meantime, I’m keeping this code aside so I can use it as a reference.

Monochromatic website design with CSS Hero

Image by Samuele

CSS Hero is an editor for WordPress. The related blog has some interesting articles, more than you may think at first glance. For example this post shows how to create a monochromatic site. Even if the instructions are related to the editor, the underlying reasoning can easily be extended to other cases as well. Needless to say, it was an inspirational post for me.

13 Ways Of Looking at a Post-It Note

by Clive Thompson

Image by Samuele

This story by Clive Thompson is a great example of how “low” technology can be used to do many things. Post-Its will never be overrated. Clive reports 13 things, and explains them very well. Read the original article, here is just the list without explanation:

  1. Post-Its have been successful — non-stop — for 44 years
  2. They can hold info for 30 seconds
  3. They can hold info for 30 years
  4. Post-Its were created by lucky accident
  5. Post-It notes let you create physical, visual databases for ideas
  6. Sticky paper is the ultimate no-code tool
  7. Post-It notes have amazing gestural UI
  8. Utterly self-explanatory and self-documenting
  9. It doesn’t need any power
  10. They help with any type of work — from trivial to world-shaking
  11. They’re glanceable, and thus calming
  12. We use them to talk to ourselves
  13. … but they’re also social

I also recommend checking out the list of “Linkfests” articles.

AI art generation with single word prompts

by Tim Wells

Image by Samuele

Scrolling through the timeline of my posts, you can see how I was fascinated by the possibility of generating images starting from text prompts. My experiments use long and complex sentences, but this article shows how it is possible to generate images starting from a single word.

There are some interesting aspects to this experiment. I’m not just speaking from a visual point of view, of course. The thing that struck me the most is how sometimes a single word is enough to obtain unexpected effects.

If you want to become a better developer, write about your craft

by Ari Joury, PhD and Jason Huynh

Image by Samuele

Medium often suggests posts about writing and coding. This story is interesting because it combines both of my passions. In summary, Ari Joury explains the benefits of writing posts about your work.

The problem is that sometimes it takes a long time. Jason Huynh, in another article, suggests 3 ways to write technical articles fast:

  1. Code and write simultaneously
  2. Make your gist/code blocks easy to copy and paste
  3. Write action articles

I admit that I would very much like to speed up my technical writing routine.

Finally, all the images were generated with a Lexica Art, using sentences like this as prompts:

blog, art, conceptual, design, flat illusration, colorful, pastel

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for more.




I'm a hobby programmer, experimenting with Svelte, Javascript, Construct 3 and magic tools